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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Adjectives of Personalities

Adjectives of personalities are the adjectives used to describe people. We normally use adjectives of personalities or characters in the following patterns:
  • For examples,
      She is brave.
      He looks funny. 
  • For examples,
      She is a brave student.
      They are friendly people.
Here is a list of some adjectives of personalities.

active always doing something សកម្ម
affectionate showing feelings of liking or love គួឲ្យ​ស្រឡាញ់ ឬ បញ្ចេញ​នូវ​ក្តីស្រឡាញ់
aggressive being angry or threatening គឃ្លើន, ហឹង្សា, តែង​មាន​ចិត្តចង់ឈ្នះ
ambitious wanting to succeed មាន​មហិច្ឆតា
anxious being worrying a lot មាន​កង្វល់, ដែល​ព្រួយ​បារម្ភ
argumentative often arguing or wanting to argue ចូល​ចិត្តរក​រឿង, បង្ក​ជម្លោះ
arrogant thinking you are better than anyone else ក្រអើតក្រទម
artistic good at creative things​ such as painting and drawing ប៉ិនប្រសប់​ខាងសិល្បៈ, មានលក្ខណៈ​សិល្បៈ
assertive behaving confidently and not frightened to say what they want or believe មាន​ជំនឿ​ចិត្ត នឹង អំណះ​អំណាង
bad-tempered being in a bad mood ឆេវឆាវ, មួរម៉ៅ, អារម្មណ៍​មិនល្អ
big-headed thinking that you are more important or more clever than you really are តម្កើងខ្លួន (លើសពី​ការពិត),
bossy telling people what to do all the time ដែលចូល​ចិត្តត្រួត
boring being not very interesting គួរឲ្យ​ធុញទ្រាន់, មិនគួរឲ្យ​ចាប់អារម្មណ៍
brave not afraid of dangers ក្លាហាន
chatty liking to talk a lot in a friendly, informal way និយាយច្រើន
careless not taking care ធ្វេសប្រហែស
caring wanting to help people យកចិត្ត​ទុកដាក់
charismatic attracting other people, and being good at getting people's attention ដែលទាក់ទាញ
catty saying nasty or spiteful things about other people និយាយ​គំរោះគំរើយ, គុំគួន
cautious being careful ប្រយ័ត្ន​ប្រយែង
charming pleasant and likeable គួរឲ្យ​ស្រឡាញ់
cheeky being rude or disrespectful ឈ្លើយ, ព្រហើន
clever intelligent វៃ, ឆ្លាត
conceited thinking you're very clever, or better than others អួត, ក្រអឺតក្រទម
conscientious doing something carefully, because you want to do it well ប្រយ័ត្ន​ប្រយែង, ហ្មត់ចត់
considerate thinking and caring about others ចេះគិត​ដល់ជនដទៃ, យល់ពី​អ្នកដទៃ
courageous brave ក្លាហាន
cowardly not brave កំសាក
coy pretending to be shy so that you don't have to give information មូរមុខ
creative good at making or designing things, or able to think of solutions to a problem ច្នៃប្រឌិត
curious wanting to know things ចង់ដឹង​ចង់ឮ
deceitful keeping the truth hidden, especially to get an advantage បោកប្រាស់, មិនត្រង់
dependable reliable​ (person) ដែលអាច​ពឹងបាន, ដែលអាចទុក​ចិត្តបាន
devious cheating other to get what they want បោកប្រាស់, មានពុតត្បុត(អាក្រក់)
dim not very intelligent ងោះ (ល្ងង់)
docile quiet and submissive មិនរឹងរូស, ងាយស្តី​ប្រដៅ
dogmatic believing that they are right and that everyone else is wrong ចចេស, មានៈ, យល់ត្រូវ​តែអត្មាឯង
domineering trying to control other people ដែលប្រើ​អំណាច, ចូលចិត្តត្រួត
easy-going relaxed and not easily upset or worried មិនចេះ​ខ្វល់ខ្វាយ, ងាយចុះ​សម្រុះ
egotistical acting as if they are more important than others គិតថាខ្លួន​ឯងប្រសើរ ជាងគេ
enthusiastic having a lot of interest in something មានចំណាប់​អារម្មណ៍​ខ្លាំង
excitable easily getting excited ងាយរំភើប ឬរីករាយ
extroverted enjoying being with other people រាក់ទាក់, ចូលចិត្តសេព​គប់​មិត្ត
faithful being loyal to someone or something ស្មោះត្រង់
fickle changing your mind suddenly without good reason and being unpredictable ក្រឡិច​ក្រឡុច, មិនស្មោះ​ត្រង់, សាវា
flaky slightly unstable and unreliable មិននឹងធឹង
funny making other people laugh ដែល​កំប្លែង
fussy not easily satisfied; only liking certain things ពិបាកផ្គាប់, សាញ
friendly behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone រាក់ទាក់, ស្លូតបូត
good-natured kind and thoughtful ចិត្តល្អ និង មិនឆេវឆាវ
grumpy tending to be in a bad mood ក្រញូវ, មួរម៉ៅជាប់
gregarious very sociable ចូលចំណោម, ចុះសម្រុះ​នឹងអ្នកដទៃ
happy-go-lucky not worrying about what might happen in the future មិនខ្វល់ខ្វាយពី អនាគត
impulsive doing things without thinking first ធ្វើតាមតែ​ចិត្តនឹក​ឃើញ, ធ្វើអ្វីមិន​គិត
inconsiderate not considering other people or their feelings ឥតគិតក្រែង
industrious very hard working ឧស្សាហ៍
intelligent very clever ឆ្លាត, វាងវៃ
introverted shy, quiet and unable to make friends easily ស្ងៀមស្ងាត់, មិនចូលចិត្ត​ចែករំលែក
inventive able to think up new ideas សម្បូរគំនិត, ប៉ិនច្នៃ​ប្រឌិត
irritating annoying others ដែលរំខាន
jockey making jokes ដែលកំប្លែង
Jolly happy and cheerful ប្រិមប្រិយ
joyful very happy រីករាយ
kind thoughtful and caring ចិត្តល្អ
loud-mouthed talking a lot and often says in an offensive or stupid way ប៉ិនរិះ​គន់គេ, ចចេចចចូច
loyal faithful and stands by you ស្មោះត្រង់
manic behaving in a slightly crazy way ជ្រួលច្រាល, ជ្រួលជ្រើម
manipulative trying to get people to do what you want ពូកែបញ្ចុះ​បញ្ចូល
moody having unpredictable moods អារម្មណ៍​មិនល្អ
nervous uncomfortable with a situation មិនជ្រះ​ស្រឡះក្នុងចិត្ត, អារម្មណ៍រងការ​​ប៉ះទង្គិច
old-fashioned behaving or thinking in a way that isn't modern ដែលបុរាណ, ដែលមិន​ទាន់សម័យ
opinionated having strong opinions ប្រកាន់គំនិត
passive not acting to influence or change a situation; allowing other people to be in control អសកម្ម
persuasive being able to persuade people to do things or to accept your ideas ពូកែបញ្ចុះ​បញ្ចូល
picky only liking certain things or people ដែលរើស
playful liking to play and have fun លេងច្រើន
pleasant nice and polite ចេះគួរសម
polite showing good manners មានសុជីវធម៌
pragmatic being practical and aware of your limitations ចេះចាត់ចែង, ចេះធ្វើ
quick-tempered getting angry quickly ឆាប់ឆេវឆាវ
reliable Being able to depend upon ដែលអាច​ពឹងពាក់បាន
reserved keeping your ideas and thoughts to yourself ដែលស្រគត់​ស្រគំ
rude impolite ឈ្លើយ
scatter-brained often forgetting things ភ្លេចភ្លាំងច្រើន
serious not light-hearted ហ្មត់ចត់, ប្រាកដនិយម
shy quiet, because you are not very confident អៀនខ្មាស់
sincere saying what you believe និយាយត្រង់
slapdash doing your work quickly and carelessly ដែលធ្វើឲ្យ​រួចពីដៃ
slimy trying to get what you want by being over-friendly សម្តែងល្អ​តែនៅមុខ
sly doing things in a secretive way ដែល​មានកល, មានពុតត្បុត
sociable enjoying mixing with people ចូលចំណោម
spiteful trying to hurt other people because you didn't get what you wanted ដែលគុំគួន
sympathetic offering a friendly ear to people with problems អាណិតអាសូរ
talkative talking a lot និយាយច្រើន
thoughtful thinking a lot គិតច្រើន
thoughtless not thinking about people or the consequences of your actions មិនចេះ​គិតមុខ គិតក្រោយ
trustworthy someone you can trust ដែលទុក​ចិត្តបាន
volatile quickly changing moods ចិត្តដូច​ចុងស្រល់
witty being able to make other people laugh by what you say ប៉ិនវោហា​ស័ព្ទ

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