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Monday, July 25, 2016

Process Analysis Paragraph

A process analysis paragraph is written to tell how to do something or how something is done. It may be a recipe, or instructions on how to fix something, or directions to a place. There are two different types of process analysis — directive and informative.

Directive process analysis explains how to do something. It gives directions for the reader to follow. Informative process analysis explains how something is done by giving data (information). The difference is that the the directive process analysis tells you what to do in the future, while the informative process analysis tells you what has occurred or what is occurring.


An informative process analysis paragraph may be simply organized as below.
  • Title
  • Topic sentence = Topic + Controlling Idea
  • Supporting sentences (1) = Supporting idea (1) + Supporting details (1)
  • Supporting sentences (2) = Supporting idea (2) + Supporting details (2)
  • Supporting sentences (3) = Supporting idea (3) + Supporting details (3)
  • Concluding sentence = restate, summarize, predict, or suggest

Note: The supporting ideas are the steps or stages of how something is done while the supporting details are short explanations of each step or stage.

Look at the sample paragraph below.

Paragraph Writing Process
Five steps are necessary for writing a good paragraph. First, a writer must choose a topic. The topic must not be two broad or too narrow. Second, she needs to draft a topic sentence; he needs to add a controlling idea to the topic. The controlling idea limits his writing. Third, he brainstorms and organizes supporting ideas and details. The supporting ideas are stages or steps of how to do something or how something is done. Next, he writes a first draft. The draft contains topic sentence sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence. All of the sentences must be complete sentences. Last, he needs to revises his draft. This stage requires proofreading and editing. He may ask a friend to proofread and edit it afterwards. In short, if you want to write a good paragraph, follow these steps.

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