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Sunday, March 3, 2013


A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea. For examples, teacher, tiger, school, car, health, happiness…


Nouns can be classified into two big groups: common nouns and proper nouns.

[1] Common nouns

A common noun is a general or class name. It refers to a person, place, or thing in a general; as, woman, city, dog, shoe, sea, village, mountain…

Common nouns are also classified into smaller groups:
  • Concrete nouns: These name something that you can perceive with your five senses – something that physically exists; as, table, school, car, horse, building, ship, airplane…  
  • Abstract nouns: These are the opposite of concrete. They name something that you cannot perceive with your five senses – something that does not physically exist; as, education, kindness, health, happiness, freedom, Buddhism..
  • Count Nouns (Countable nouns): Count nouns are nouns that we can count. It has a singular and a plural form. To make it plural, we need to add –s / -es to the singular noun. For examples, one book, three books; a leg, two legs; an apple, six apples…
  • Non-count nouns (mass or uncountable nouns): Mass nouns are nouns that we cannot count. It has no plural form (always in singular form, and takes singular verb). For examples, fruit, some fruit; bread, a slice of bread; homework; a lot of homework; information…
  • Collective Nouns: A collective noun is a noun naming a group of things, animals, or persons. We can count the individual members of the group, but you usually think of the group as a whole is generally as one unit; as, army, company, firm, public, audience, corporation, group, school, board, council, jury, senate, cabinet, department, majority, society, class, faculty,minority, team, committee, family, navy, troupe,…
  • Compound Nouns:Compound noun is a combination of two nouns. The two nouns form a new word. Normally, the first noun modifies the second one; as, policeman, boyfriend, water tank, dining-table, bedroom…

[2] Proper nouns

A proper noun is a noun that names some particular or special place, person, people, or thing. A proper noun should always begin with a capital letter; as, Bopha, Phnom Penh, the World Bank, Samsung, the Red Sea, Cambodia, The Tales of Two Cities, Monday, September, Buddhism…  


Nouns, in sentences, can function as:
[1] subject: Subject tells whom or what the sentence is about; as,
  • Samnang works in a bank.
  • Economics is an interesting subject.
[2] direct object: direct object receives the action of the verb; as,
  • He eats ice cream.
  • They play tennis.
[3] indirect object: Indirect object receives the direct object; as,
  • He bought his friend a pen.
  • The company offers Thavy a new position.
[4] object of preposition: Object of the preposition is the noun or pronoun after a preposition; as,
  • The boy was hurt in the accident.
  • The driver filled the fuel tank of the bus.
[5] subject complement: Predicate nominative renames the subject, always after a linking verb; as,
  • I am a candidate.
  • I am the owner of that CafĂ©.
[6] object complement:Object complement completes the direct object; as,
  • I considered him brother.
  • They elected Bunna President.
[7] appositive:An appositive is a noun or pronoun placed near another noun or pronoun. The appositive enhances our understanding of the original noun or pronoun; as,
  • Ravy, our class monitor, studies very hard.
  • Her sister, Anna, was an intelligent student. 
[8] adjective:Noun functions as adjective when it modifies another noun functions as adjective; as,
  • The water pump is broken.
  • She wore sport clothes.

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