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Thursday, July 7, 2016

Paragraph Organization

Paragraph is a group of sentences about one topic or one main idea. In academic area, it is recommended to write between six to twelve sentences.


A good paragraph contain 3 main elements: a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence.

[1] Topic sentence
A topic sentence tells the readers what the paragraph is about. It is usually, but not always, the first sentence of the paragraph. The topic sentence should contain a clear topic and a controlling idea.
Read more on how to write topic sentence

[2] Supporting sentences
Supporting sentences develop the topic sentence (or topic) by adding details, description, or explanation. They should includes supporting ideas (or major supporting sentences) and supporting details (or minor supporting sentences).
Read more on how to write supporting sentences 

[3] Concluding sentence
Concluding sentence marks the end of the paragraph. It is the last sentence which give a wrap-up message about the topic. It either restates the topic sentence, makes a summary of what has been written, makes a prediction about the topic, or give a suggestion about the the topic.
Read more on how to write concluding sentence


To make it simple, a paragraph shall be arranged in this pattern:

The Topic of the Paragraph
Topic sentence =  topic + controlling idea
Supporting sentence (a) = Supporting idea + supporting details
Supporting sentence (b) = Supporting idea + supporting details
Supporting sentence (c) = Supporting idea + supporting details
.................................... = ........................ + ..........................
Concluding sentence = (1) a restatement the topic sentence,
                                   (2) a summary of what has been written,
                                   (3) a prediction about the topic, or
                                   (4) a suggestion about the topic.

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