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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Adverb Clause Reduction Exercise 1

Instruction: Reduce the adverb clauses in the sentences below (to reduced adverb clause). The first one has been done as example. Click the link to learn how reduced adverb clause: HOW TO REDUCE ADVERB CLAUSE.
  1. When I see an airplane, I want to fly to Paris.
    When seeing an airplane, I want to fly to Paris.
  2. or → Seeing an airplane, I want to fly to Paris.
  3. After he graduated, he has been working as a salesman. 
  4. Because he was tired, he played poorly during the match. 
  5. Before we have a workshop tomorrow, we should join a briefing today. 
  6. Because he was careless, the man got an accident.
  7. After I delivered the newspaper, I rushed to the railway station. 
  8. When the couples arrived in Siem Reap, they rented a bike. 
  9. Since she wanted to study more, Thida moved to live in the city. 
  10. After they left their work, the two friends met and have a drink. 
  11. After he was questioned, the suspect was released on bail. 
  12. Before she was interviewed, the woman was so nervous.
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1 comment:

  1. Quite interesting post you made. It’s good shared information and the article is pretty helpful. I like the write-up’s structure and flow, as it kept me engaged all this time.There is so much to learn from this piece Compound complex sentence. You are a great help and I would surely try to follow all the learning.
